EVN Technical and Operations Group Meeting

Torun, Piwnice, Friday 20 October - Saturday 21 October 2000

      TOG meeting will be transmited to remote participants using internet RTP protocol. To listen the broadcast you need to install RealPlayer ver. 8.0 plug-in to your Netscape browser and go to My voice . You can watch the meeting in Webcam . To express your opinions just call +48 56 6113003 - your voice will be gained by loudly speaking phone.

      The TOG meeting will be held at the Torun Radio Astronomy Observatory in Piwnice, 12 kilometers north of Torun. The accomodation for participants is organised in HELIOS hotel near the Old Town of Torun. Single rooms are booked only.

Hotel Helios
1/3 Kraszewskiego Street
87-100 Torun
Phone: +48 56 6196550
Fax: +48 56 6196254

You may visit their WWW page for current prices, services offered and an instruction on how to get there.

Important telephone numbers are:

Participants are asked to fill in the registration form. The actual list of registered participants sorted in aphabetic order is available here. It can be also useful to know arrival and departure times for participants.

Station Reports
Local Arrangements

Useful documents

Location of the Helios Hotel in Torun (a map).
More maps of Torun and its neighbourghood.
Trains from Warsaw to Torun.
Trains from Torun to Warsaw.
Buses from Warsaw to Torun.
Buses from Torun to Warsaw.
Buses from Warsaw Airport to Warsaw Central Railway Station.
Buses from Warsaw Central Railway Station to Warsaw Airport.
Full timetable for Torun railway station.
Currency exchange rates.