EVN Consortium Board of Directors Meeting, 4 May, 2000 Torun
chaired by Prof. Anton Zensus
Draft Agenda
Version 2 (Apr 26)
Begin meeting: 9.00
Location: Radio Astronomy Observatory Piwnice
  1. Welcome and changes/additions to the agenda - Zensus
  2. Minutes of the last CBD meeting (*)
    1. Review of action items - Zensus
    2. Review decisions from last Executive meeting - Zensus/Diamond
    3. Review status of EVN observatories' memberships - Zensus
  3. EVN Program Committee matters
    1. EVNPC Chairman's Report - Garrington (*)
    2. New "at large" members
  4. EVN operations
    1. EVN scheduler's report - Schwartz (*)
    2. MPIfR correlator report - Zensus (Alef) (*)
    3. JIVE correlator report - Schilizzi (*)
      1. Correlator and release policies - Schilizzi (*)
    4. Network Performance and Reliability - Garrett (*)
    5. JIVE user support - Garrett (*)
    6. Thin tape supply and thin-tape-only stations - Garrett
    7. Tape shipping costs and code of practice for non-EVN observatories - Garrett (*)
  5. EVN technical developments - Garrett (*)
    1. TOG report - Garrett (*)
      1. EVN Development Plans (field system, 2-head, etc..)
    2. EVN-2010
      1. New developments (COTS) at Haystack - Schilizzi
      2. e-VLBI (eEVN draft proposal) - Schilizzi
  6. Institute Reports
    1. Observatory written reports (*)
    2. Planned engineering work at telescopes - Obs. Directors
    3. Upgrade of Simeiz - Zensus
  7. Global relations
    1. EVN representation on other bodies - Diamond
    2. NRAO report - Ulvestad (*)
      1. VLBA correlation of EVN projects
      2. VLBI at the GBT
    3. Policy on Global correlation - Schilizzi
    4. VSOP - tbd (*)
    5. ?? GVWG report - Schilizzi (*)
    6. ?? Is there anything new ?
  8. EVN Contracts (short reports)
    1. ARI FP5 Access Contract - Garrett (*)
      1. 15 Feb 2001 proposal
      2. current activity
    2. RTD FP4 - Gurvits
    3. ICN FP5 in Radio Astronomy - Schilizzi, Gurvits
    4. ICN FP5 SKA consortium - Butcher
  9. ESF Review of the EVN and JIVE - Schilizzi
  10. Funding and Cooperation Proposals
    1. Next-generation space VLBI missions (VSOP-2, ARISE) - Gurvits
    2. A Research Training Network for EVN in FP6? - Garret
  11. EVN and JIVE Annual Reports - Gurvits (*)
  12. EVN Data archiving - (Venturi (*))
    1. Standard acknowledgment to the EVN - Diamond
  13. Future VLBI schools and Symposia
    1. Bologna school - Mantovani
    2. 2002 EVN Symposium in Germany - Zensus
  14. Date and place of the next meeting
  15. Review of mailing list for CBD meetings
  16. Any other business
(*) Please send written reports by THURSDAY 26 APRIL 2001 to Tiziana Venturi (tventuri@astbo1.bo.cnr.it), who will then "package" them and circulate by email to meeting attendees.

European SKA Consortium Meeting
chaired by Prof. Harvey Butcher
Agenda - draft
Saturday, 5 May, from about 11:00 am (ca 1 hour) following the EVN CBD executive meeting and before the JIVE Board.
  1. Approval, review of minutes of previous meeting ( attached)
  2. Planning, reporting on meetings/workshops, including
    • RFI workshop in Bonn in March 2001
    • OECD Task Force on Radio Astronomy and Radio Spectrum
    • Berkeley workshop in July 2001
    • European SKA workshops: Science, Array configuration
    • ISSC meeting in Bologna in Jan/Feb 2002
    • URSI SKA session in Maastricht in Aug 2002
  3. Status of pre-SKA projects: ATA and LOFAR
  4. Arranging contributions to International SKA Steering Cie.
  5. Planning for 6th Framework Programme
  6. Any other business, Close.

JIVE Board Meeting
chaired by Prof. Alain Baudry
Agenda - draft
  1. Welcome and approval of the agenda
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising
  3. Director's report
  4. Multi-lateral agreement on JIVE funding
  5. Current financial matters
    1. Accountants report for 2000, and approval by Board
    2. Revenues and expenditures for 2001
    3. Forward look: revenues and expenditures 2001-2003
    4. Compensation for salary increases - letter to NWO
  6. EC contracts
    1. FP4 Concerted Action - Final report
    2. FP4 RTD
    3. FP5 Access to major research infrastructures -first annual report
    4. FP5 ICN
  7. Publications
    1. Annual reports for 2000
  8. Any other business
  9. Date and place of next meeting

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