See also an update till 2012 and a supplement of 2015 

Weather at TRAO since 2000

K.M. Borkowski

Table of contents

Daily high and low values
Distributions of measured values
Summary statistics and record values
Comparison with Koniczynka station data
Corrected and reduced data (downloadable)
Recommended actions to take


TRAO (Torun Radio Astronomy Observatory or Department of Radio Astronomy of the TCfA) meteo data are collected since 2000 from the weather station WST7000 of IRDAM SA. It is mounted atop a pole sticking 4.2 m above the roof of adjacent building.

WTS700 closeup (top) and the NEE view on its surroundings (bottom)
(Photos courtesy of J. Mazurek, 9 April 2008)

The station outputs data at the rate of 10 messages per second. There are all the five meteo quantities in each message. The accuracies (RMS) specified by the manufacturer are as follows (for more details consult the Technical Manual; compare also a complete manufacturer's specification sheet in pdf format):

±0.4 to ±0.7 m/s (plus 5 % above 6 m/s) for the wind speed,
±5° for the wind direction,
±1 °C for the air temperature,
±3 % (RH at 20 % to 90 %) to ±4 % (elsewhere) for the relative humidity, and
±1 hPa (at 23°C) to ±3 hPa (at -40°C to 60°C) for the atmospheric pressure.
Raw data extracted from the station messages are being averaged over 10 seconds (usually) and are archived in the form of daily ASCII files on one of the Observatory computers. Now (2008) these files occupy about 1.5 GB of disk space. The files consist of records (lines), each including the averaged measurement of the wind velocity, V [m/s], wind direction, D [angular degrees, measured Eastward from North], ambient temperature, T [degrees Celsius], atmospheric pressure, P [hPa or mbar], relative humidity, RH [%], and dew point, Td [degrees Celsius], in this order. The last of these quantities is not an independent measurement, but is derived by the station from the temperature and relative humidity. Each data record is labelled with the day of year number, DoY (fractional days in the UTC scale). Appended are also the station built-in test results taken from the last message of averaged data (the last two characters of the test should be 'ff', indicating that all the meteo data transmitted in the message are valid). Here, for example, are the first two records of M2008002.dat file (i.e. the file containing meteo data for day 2 of 2008, or for 2 January):
     DoY     Test     V      D       T       P       RH     Td
  2.000093 0 0xff    4.19  103.42  -0.68  1018.31  100.00  -0.68   0.056
  2.000208 0 0xff    3.88   97.41  -0.62  1018.34  100.00  -0.62   0.055 
The last number in these records is meant for an optional external sensor (which is absent in our installation).
A word of warning for a potential user: some daily files have as their first record the one that belongs to the end of the previous day file (but is not present there).

Measurement results of current day are displayed online on TRAO website.

In this document we present results of some simple statistical analyses of the entire data set, since the time of installation of the meteo station in mid 2000 until March 10, 2008. These results were obtained after removing evidently erratic records. A record has been considered erratic if any of its meteo data did not fit into specified range. The ranges were set somewhat arbitrarily (but with care) as follows:
    0 to 65 m/s for wind speed,
    -40 to 40 °C for air temperature,
    956 to 1040 hPa for atmospheric pressure, and
    0 to 100 % for humidity.
There were only 75 (out of over 22 000 000 analysed) so defined erratic records. All these were outliers evident by having values clearly removed from those in surrounding records. This, however, means there almost certainly are spoiled records with values within the ranges specified for 'good' data. Also statistics (distributions presented in this report) seem to indicate excess of data in some places of the ranges.

    Daily high and low values

Below presented are daily high and low values of the four main quantities. Avalaible is also a tabular form of the data plotted. These diagrams consist of individual lines drawn between the minimum and maximum value of given quantity as found separately for each day.

    Distributions of measured values

The plots that follow have these widths of bins (horizontal resolutions):
    0.1 m/s for the wind speed,
    2 arc degrees for the wind direction,
    0.5 °C for the air temperature,
    0.5 hPa for the atmospheric pressure, and
    0.5 % for the relative humidity.
The numbers shown (plus the few outside the figure frames) in each of the five plots sum up to 22114598, i.e, the number of records accepted as 'good'.

The wind distributions exhibit two peculiarities. One is a 'bump', a secondary mode at about 1 m/s in the velocity distribution, and the other is a wavy pattern in the angular distribution. To check if the two features come from the same source we have inspected the angular distrubution of winds belonging to the bump, i.e. with speeds smaller than 1.3 m/s. Such a distribution does not contain the wavy patters. In fact it is only marginally visible in winds slower than the modal value of 3.2 m/s (see the second diagram below), so responsible seem to be the stronger winds. Noteworthy, this wavy structure in the angular distribution is present in about equal measure in older data and more recent data, thus it is not due to any aging effect. One of possible sources could be the three vertical rods placed around the station (meant to safeguard it against lightning discharges). The rods seen from the wind point of view form perfectly symmetrical structure with respect to the station (thus should not distort the wind direction) every 30 degrees. Between these 12 directions the structure is assymetrical, thus may distort the air flow. Most of the peaks of the wavy pattern in the distribution are separated by just about 30 degrees.

The large number of high values seen in the last of the distributions, in the relative humidity, is indicative of incorrect measurements of this quantity. The next plot shows the fraction of these higher values relative to all the measurements in each 0.2-year (73-day) division of the period in question. Here we see evidently systematic rise of the fraction of higher values in successive years which suggests something wrong is going with this sensor (a capacitive transducer with thin film, mounted at the bottom of the station). At the end of 2007 it has produced data of which as many as 93 % were equal to 100 %. This is more than three times the corresponding percentage of 2001 and 2002. Apparently, after about two years since our measurements started, quality of the sensor begun to deteriorate and presently its data should be considered unreliable.

To find the median and mode we have analysed distributions with up to an order of magnitude finer resolution than those presented in the preceding section.

Extreme values:   Highest temperature:   37.4 °C   on 2007 July 17 at 13:59 UTC
Lowest temperature:  -25.5 °C   on 2006 January 23 at 6:35 UTC
Highest pressure:   1039.9 hPa   on 2006 January 23 at 8:17 UTC
Lowest pressure:     959.1 hPa   on 2007 January 19 at 0:02 UTC
Maximum wind speed:   64.0 m/s   on 2003 July 18 at 12:20 UTC

Each of the above record values has been checked if it represents a gradually reached extremum and is not a fake value due to corrupted reading. This was done by visual inspection of neighbouring measurements in the respective daily file.

    Comparison with Koniczynka station data

In view of suspect quality of some of our measurements we have compared them with data obtained in a nearby (about 8.5 km away) professional meteo station located in Koniczynka village. The station is supervised by dr Marek Kejna of Department of Climatology, Institute of Geography, who kindly made his data available to us (a big thank you to him, and also to Zsuzsa Vizi for help in data format conversion).

The Koniczynka data taken for comparison were 1-hourly averages in the period from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2007, Central European Time. There were 39110 (out of 43824 possible) hours in which at least one of the five quantities was measured in both the stations. These were plotted against each other as shown in the figures that follow. Overlapped points are plotted horizontally offset. The red lines represent an ideal case of perfect correlation of respective measurements in both the stations whereas the olive lines correspond to a least squares fit (see the table further down this page).

The comparisons demonstrate that the first four quantities of the TRAO (Piwnice) station can be regarded roughly correct. Unfortunately, the fifth one, the relative humidity looks definitely wrong. There is deficiency of values below about 20 %, which seem to be systematically shifted to abnormally high values. On the other hand, the presence of such low values in the Koniczynka data is also suspect. Our humidities exceeding 20 % are on average 15 % higher than humidities in Koniczynka and have excessive scatter (compared to the nominal accuracy of 3 to 4 percent).

The following table contains numerical results of linear fits. The best fitted lines are of the form P = a + b*K, where P is a Piwnice quantity and K - corresponding quantity at the Koniczynka station. Besides the regression line parameters, a and b (with their estimation errors), the table contains also the correlation coefficient R, standard deviation about the fitted line SD, and number of data used for the fit N.

 Quantity            a                  b            R       SD     N
Wind speed   2.60677 ± 0.01097  0.44951 ± 0.00276 0.63583 1.31908 39063
Wind dir.*  20.18854   0.3538   0.94018   0.00169 0.94239 33.1683 39063
Temperature  0.76268   0.00761  0.99409   0.00061 0.99282 1.05595 38655
Pressure    -6.09639   0.38556  1.00570   0.00038 0.99724 0.69618 38136
Humidity**  15.05347   0.20228  0.93661   0.00261 0.93226 6.85464 19324
  * Fit performed to Piwnice data circularly reduced to the range ±180 degrees about the line
        of perfect correlation.
** Fit to Koniczynka humidities greater than 19 %.

One notes very good correlation of the air temperature and atmospheric pressure, and high dispersion of the wind quantities. The Piwnice pressure is on average lower than that in Koniczynka only by 0.6 hPa at 960 hPa and by 0.2 hPa at 1040 hPa, while the temperature is higher by 0.9 to 0.6°C at -25 to +35°C, respectively.

In case of the wind direction, the decorrelation may partly be explained by inappropriate averaging of data originally read from the station. During this initial data reduction the angle mean is calculated the same way as the means of the other quantities. A proper algorithm should rely on calculating the mean sine and the mean cosine of the angles being averaged, Di (i = 1, 2, ... N), and then taking the arctan2 function of the two means or just sums:

<D> = arctan2isin(Di)/N, Σicos(Di)/N) =
              = arctan2isin(Di), Σicos(Di)),           (1)

where the summations are carried over all N measurements. That is how our wind direction data were further averaged to obtain the 1-hour means for this particular plot. Judging after the depth and width of the gap near the direction of 0° in the angular distribution (see the figure on the left, which is circularly rearranged and expanded display of a part of the earlier presented distribution of wind directions) it is possible to estimate the number of measurements swept away from there. This number makes about 1 % of all measurements. That many data were affected by the simple (inappropriate) averaging of angles near 0 and 360°. The data that originally belonged to the depression at 0° must have been spread over the entire 360° range, with maximum at 180°.

    Corrected and reduced data (downloadable)

The analysis of raw data presented above has indicated the presence of corrupt recordings. To improve usability of this database an attempt has been made to clean it of more obvious erratic records and tag some errors, essentially only with respect to the atmospheric pressure and temperature measurements. Basic search for errors relied on comparison of the deviation of each measurement (a 10-second average as usually stored in the archives) from the mean value of the temperature and pressure with the standard deviation calculated for various time intervals. The intervals ranged from 4 minutes to 1 hour. If a value deviated from the mean by a few standard deviations it was further compared to neighbouring measurements and automatically tagged as erratic only if there were 'normal' neighbours on both sides. There were cases that two consecutive measurements happened erratic, and these were treated individually. This way we have detected a few hundred errors, most of them belonged to the pressure measurements. Another cleaning has been based on a search for exactly the same numerical values repeated in number (10 or more) consecutive measurements. It allowed to remove many cases when apparently all the sensors simultaneously 'froze' for a few minutes. Such records were not tagged but were altogether erased from the daily files.

Finally, a search for incorrect time tags was performed. There are many cases (some 30 000) that two neighbouring records have the same time stamp (whereas they are expected to differ by 10 s). About 2700 cases were discovered where time of the next record was earlier than of the current one, and in 8 files there are backward jumps in time exceeding 10 minutes and reaching 1 hour (in one case there is a 2-hour jump!). Unfortunately, only one of the latter cases could be corrected by shifting in time a portion of earlier data. It seems that the backward jumps are due to fast computer (internal system) clock.

The corrected database encompassing measurements till 1 June 2008 (inclusive) now consists of 22797080 healthy records (lines) and 347 records tagged as having erratic pressure or temperature measurement. The summary statistics do not differ by more than 0.1 from those already presented in this report and calculated prior to the correction with sole exception of the median relative humidity, which now is equal to 99.1 %.

This database has been reduced to 1-hour averages and is avalable for download in the form of one zipped file. This big file (uncompressed it is about 4 MB in size) contains an ASCII table, header plus 65639 data raws, which begins thus:

                  TCfA Hourly Weather Data

  Time      Temperat. Pressure   Humidity  Wind Vel. Dir.  N
  UTC       Mean SD   Mean  SD   Mean  SD  Mean SD   Mean
 [year]       [°C]      [hPa]       [%]      [m/s]    [°]

2000.57508  18.8 0.3 1000.2 0.1  92.5  1.5  5.1 0.7  14.8 204
2000.57519  19.8 0.2 1000.1 0.1  88.1  2.5  5.0 0.9 351.7 354

Each data line of this table corresponds to a time interval equal to 1 hour between integer UTC hours. Time indicated is given for the center of the interval. For example, the first line begins with 2000.57508, which signifies the year 2000, and days passed since 0 hours UTC on 1 January: 0.57508*366 = 210.47928, i.e. 211-th day of the year and UTC interval beginning with the hour equal to the integer of 0.47928*24 = 11.5, i.e. 11:00 UTC. Note carefully that in the above decoding of time the factor 366 stands for the leap years only (2000, 2004 and 2008); for other years it is 365. The next nine columns contain the mean weather quantities (columns headed 'Mean') with standard deviations ('SD'). The wind direction mean ('Dir') is not accompanied by SD because of nonstandard averaging (which was angular averaging according to Eq. (1)). The rightmost column shows the number of daily file records used for calculation of the means.

Despite considerable amount of cleaning and corrections, statistical properties of our data base did not change much, so that the results presented for original data remain valid. This refers also to the one-hour data (see this analysis and figures) and to the correlations with the Koniczynka data, which are now only slightly better. For example, the most affected quantity of the atmospheric pressure now is linearly related to the Koniczynka data through this equation:

PPiwnice = (-6.43728 ± 0.36735) + (1.00604 ± 0.00037) PKoniczynka,

and this fit has the correlation coefficient of 0.99746 and standard deviation of 0.66848. In practice, this line is indistinguishable from the earlier one, as seen from the following figure, wherein the new fit is represented by the thin light line drawn in the middle of the other. Comparing this diagram with that for uncorrected data one easily notes disappearence of many outliers.

    Recommended actions to take

  • Since the humidity sensor produces strongly biased data, it would be advisable to return the station to the manufacturer for refurbishment and upgrade of the firmware.
  • Take off or rotate the shielding 'cage' built around the station to see if the wavy pattern in the wind angular distribution disappears or rotates in response.
  • The external data acquisition software (a product of TCfA, written by E. Pazderski) should be amended to perform the initial averaging of the wind direction data according to Eq. (1).
    The angular averaging has been implemented on 5 June 2008.
  • The recorded station built-in test results (such as '0 0xff') should include information on the presence of any occurence of erratic measurement among those averaged, and not be just taken from the last message.
    Since June 06, 2008 the stamp '0xff' is there only if ALL the averaged records are without any error related to the meteo data as acquired from the station.
  • Investigate why so many time data in neighbouring measurements are the same or reversed (later record has earlier time ascribed). This could be also related to our data acquisition software.
  • The daily data files should be moved to another directory as soon as they are closed. In the future this would prevent accidental appending of data that belong to another file in case the system time/date jumps.
  • The system time should be synchronised to the UTC more frequently (probably once a day would be more than adequate), to avoid excessive errors in the time data.

  • Posted 11 March 2008    
    Last modified: 10 June 2008